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  • install-tools is only intended for the wrapper musl-gcc

  • DO NOT set the prefix to “/usr”, “/usr/local”, or ”/” unless you’re upgrading libc on an existing musl-based system. Doing so will break your existing system when you run “make install” and it may be difficult to recover.

  • At runtime, the dynamic linker needs to know the paths to search for shared libraries. You should create a text file named /etc/ld-musl-$ARCH.path (where $ARCH matches the architecture name used in the dynamic linker) containing a list of directories where you want the dynamic linker to search for shared libraries, separated by colons or newlines. If the dynamic linker has been installed in a non-default location, the path file also needs to reside at that location (../etc relative to the chosen syslibdir).

  • DT_RELR has been upstreamed in musl, and it reduces size by 5 - 8%, to enable it use -z pack-relative-relocs:

  • Check if musl conflicts/replaces libssp (the standalone package)