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Arch, Fedora and Linux From Scratch (LFS) can be used to bootstrap glaucus. It is recommended to have a minimum of 4 GB of memory and 10 GB of storage space.

Required Packages

  1. autoconf
  2. automake
  3. bash
  4. bc
  5. binutils
  6. bison (or byacc)
  7. bzip2
  8. coreutils (or toybox)
  9. diffutils (or toybox)
  10. dosfstools
  11. findutils (or toybox)
  12. flex (or reflex)
  13. gawk (or mawk)
  14. gcc
  15. gettext (or gettext-tiny)
  16. git
  17. grep (or toybox)
  18. gzip (or pigz)
  19. libcap
  20. libtool (or slibtool)
  21. m4
  22. make
  23. patch (or toybox)
  24. perl
  25. pkg-config (or pkgconf)
  26. sed (or toybox)
  27. tar (or libarchive)
  28. xz
  29. zlib (or zlib-ng)
  30. zstd