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sudo s6-linux-init-maker -c /etc/s6/current -L -f /etc/s6/skel someRandomDir

  • Do not use -G "agetty -8 -a root -L tty1 115200" for early Getty because we want tty1 to depend on hostname (to be able to use it with different kernels that might hardcode hostname)
  • Do not use -n and -N with s6-linux-init-maker as we have a clean initramfs
  • (The higher the baudrate the faster data are sent and received (so use 115200 instead of 38400 when possible)
  • s6-linux-init-maker does not create early utmpd scripts anymore. Users are expected to handle utmpd at the same time as wtmpd, i.e. first thing in stage 2.
  • We have a new -V boot_verbosity for s6-linux-init-maker which adds -v boot_verbosity to s6-linux-init (Default is 1, which means that only important warnings will be printed. Increasing this value may yield more, but usually harmless, warning messages.)


  • -1: because it is causing unclean output to /dev/console polluting it
  • -f: no need to use -f /etc/s6/skel if s6-linux-init was already configured with that, which is the case on glaucus itself