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  • faillog lists users that exist and tried to login but failed, while btmp lists every failed login attempt
  • To remove No mail. from shadow’s login (lib/mail.c) (This can be removed by creating a .hushlogin file in ~).
  • disable audit support because it goes inline with utmp as it grants the ability to monitor users and failed logins and such
  • disable logind because shadow switched to systemd to provide utmp-like functionality
  • disable su because the user should use sudo or doas to escalate privileges and not su directly (this is also recommended by the Arch wiki Security page)
  • Use everything user and group related provided by shadow (e.g. groups) instead of relying on toybox or util-linux to provide it (LFS disable groups from shadow while alpine and arch have it enabled)
  • id and groups from shadow are deprecated as of 4.17.0
  • enable fcaps for better security (can only be done in native)
  • enable yescrypt for better password hashing scalability
  • No need to set --with-group-name-max-length as the default value is now 32