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Both Arch and Fedora Linux can be used to bootstrap glaucus.

It is recommended to have 4 GB of memory and 16 GB of storage space to bootstrap glaucus.


  1. autoconf (requries GNU m4, and perl to run autom4te on tests/
  2. automake
  3. bash
  4. bc ?? (mussel)
  5. binutils
  6. byacc (or bison)
  7. bzip2 ?? (mussel)
  8. coreutils (or toybox)
  9. diffutils
  10. elfutils ??
  11. findutils
  12. flex ??
  13. g++
  14. gawk ?? (mussel)
  15. gcc
  16. gdbm ??
  17. gettext-tiny
  18. git
  19. grep
  20. groff ??
  21. grub
  22. gzip ?? (mussel)
  23. help2man (requires perl as build time dependency, requires perl-locale-gettext?) (required for libtool in cross)
  24. hostname (or inetutils required by autoconf and libtool)
  25. ldconfig (gcc)
  26. libarchive (gcc requires tar for the make target “install-headers-tar”)
  27. libcap (requires bash inside progs/
  28. libtool
  29. m4
  30. make
  31. makeinfo (binutils)
  32. meson/muon (required by muon to cross compile it on a glibc host) (muon does not support cross compilation)
  33. patch (requires automake as build-time dependency)
  34. perl / pod2man (gcc)
  35. pkgconf
  36. pod2man (required for manual pages)
  37. procps-ng (requires autopoint from gettext-tiny and autoconf and automake for
  38. psmisc (requires autopoint from gettext-tiny and autoconf and automake for
  39. rsync
  40. sed
  41. texinfo
  42. toybox (requires bash for scripts/ and tests)
  43. wget2
  44. xz ?? (mussel)
  45. zlib-ng (or zlib) (requires bash for configure script, this can be patched easily)
  46. zstd


The time required to bootstrap glaucus is measured in Build Units (BUs).

Building binutils takes 1 Build Unit, which is approximately 1 minute on my machine.

Building Stage 1 (the toolchain) takes 30 BUs.

Building Stage 2 (cross glaucus) takes 45 BUs.

Building Stage 3 (native glaucus) takes 90 BUs.