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  • bc-gh is the default bc implementation
  • booster is the default initramfs generator
  • byacc is the default yacc implementation
  • flex is the default lex implementation
  • gettext-tiny is the default gettext implementation
  • iproute2 and iputils are the default networking utilities
  • lbzip2 is the default bzip2 implementation
  • less is the default terminal pager
  • libarchive is the default archive and compression library
  • libedit is the default command line editor library
  • libressl is the default TLS library
  • libudev-zero is the default libudev implementation
  • limine is the default boot loader and manager
  • mandoc is the default manual pages reader
  • mawk is the default awk implementation
  • mdevd is the default udevd implementation
  • muon is the default meson implementation
  • musl is the default C standard library
  • netbsd-curses is the default curses library
  • nsss is the default NSS implementation
  • opendoas is the default privilege escalation tool
  • pigz is the default gzip implementation
  • pkgconf is the default pkg-config implementation
  • plocate is the default locate implementation
  • plzip is the default lzip implementation
  • s6 is the default init system
  • s6-rc is the default service manager
  • samurai is the default ninja implementation
  • slibtool is the default libtool implementation
  • sway is the default Wayland compositor
  • toybox is the default unix user space
  • ugrep is the default grep implementation
  • utmps is the default utmpx implementation
  • vim is the default text editor
  • wayland is the default display server protocol
  • yash is the default unix shell
  • zlib-ng is the default zlib implementation
  • zstd is the default compression algorithm