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  • Does not boot from ext4 directly when in bios mode
  • bios-install can only be used for bios and not for UEFI
  • mkpart primary from parted only works for msdos (BIOS/MBR); for GPT it will be set as name/PARTLABEL and not PART-TYPE

IMG (BIOS/MBR) (Deprecated?)

rm -f glaucus.img
dd bs=1M count=1024 if=/dev/zero of=glaucus.img
parted -s glaucus.img mklabel msdos
parted -s glaucus.img mkpart primary ext4 1 100%
parted -s glaucus.img set 1 boot on
modprobe loop
losetup -D
device="$(losetup -f)"
losetup $device glaucus.img
partx -a $device
mke2fs -t ext4 $partition
rm -fr /mnt/glaucus
mkdir -p /mnt/glaucus
mount $partition /mnt/glaucus
rsync -aHAXx cross/ /mnt/glaucus
mkdir -p /mnt/glaucus/boot
cp -af /boot/vmlinuz-linux-cachyos /mnt/glaucus/boot/vmlinuz
booster build --force --compression=zstd --config=/var/lib/rad/clusters/cerata/booster/booster.yaml --universal --strip /mnt/glaucus/boot/initramfs
mkdir -p /mnt/glaucus/boot/limine
cp -af /home/firasuke/Downloads/Git/glaucus/cerata/limine/limine.cfg.img /mnt/glaucus/boot/limine/limine.cfg
cp -af /usr/share/limine/limine-bios.sys /mnt/glaucus/boot/limine
limine bios-install glaucus.img
chown -R 0:0 /mnt/glaucus
chown -R 20:20 /mnt/glaucus/var/log/wtmpd
umount -fqR /mnt/glaucus
partx -d $partition
losetup -d $device
chown firasuke:firasuke glaucus.img
