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  • Depends on mawk
  • Depends on gdbm or db on Alpine and Arch
  • Do not specify scriptdir or other dirs that might change where binaries are being installed (perl binaries and scripts are expected to be in /usr/bin)
  • -Ud_fpos64_t and -Ud_off64_t undefine symbols in configure on Alpine and Clear; musl defines them so it is better to let the build system decide
  • Z_SOLO on Alpine is used to compile and use zlib without external libraries
  • Check large file and usenm support
  • installman1dir and installman3dir are not portable and should only be used in Makefiles
  • Modules manpages are being removed on Adelie
  • PERL_MM_USE_DEFAULT=1 uses default values when answering questions
  • Unable to use upstream binaries; requires signing up with a third party vendor?
  • Does perl require a loopback lo network device and /etc/hosts?
  • applies compile-time flags to future builds and modules; which is also why we don’t use cf_email as it would require patching to prevent sending reports of some broken modules to different emails
  • 1p for commands and 3pm for modules
  • -Dusesoname is obsolete
  • It is recommended to not use -Dusenm on Linux
  • miniperl is not needed as we aren’t bootstrapping perl
  • LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,stack-size=2097152 -pthread" and stack size patches for musl are needed for s390x on Alpine and Void
  • PERL_TEST_HARNESS_ASAP=1 causes the test suite to finish somewhat earlier with less logical ordering of the tests
  • PERL_BUILD_PACKAGING skips a small number of porting tests (those in t/porting) that assume they are in a git clone of the upstream Perl repository, or enforce irrelevant rules which are not
  • Void passes export CFLAGS+="-DNO_POSIX_2008_LOCALE -D_GNU_SOURCE" to fix build on musl
  • Specify additional flags?
-Dlddlflags="-shared $LDFLAGS"
  • Compare make vs make && make
  • Compare make install target vs make install.perl
  • -Duse64bitint -Duselargefiles are detected by default?
  • Prefer test_harness_notty over test_harness?
  • HARNESS_OPTIONS defaults to j9?
  • Examine alpine’s -Dd_semctl_semun -Dd_sockaddr_in6=define?
