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  • autoreconf breaks build
  • Depends on libgcov.a from gcc
  • Use bundled mpdecimal?
  • Add gdbm as a build-time dependency:
  • Test suite for Berkeley DB requires tcl
  • --with-pymalloc provides better performance
  • Remove the pip symlinks in install if it is not being installed
  • Check --disable-test-modules
  • Alpine and Arch provide “Externally Managed” python
  • --enable-optimizations runs a suite of tests, and then uses collected profiling data to improve the performance of the installation itself, and some tests might hang in cross which is why a native rebuild is better with optimizations, once the system is complete; these sometimes fail on musl
  • Unable to use upstream binaries
  • Alpine uses stack size patches to avoid segfaults with sys.getrecursionlimit()
  • Adelie patches posixmodule.h to define int login_tty(int); as musl supports it
  • --with-system-ffi has been deprecated
  • No need to provide an EXTERNALLY-MANAGED file as we want users to use pip to manage python packages
  • Should we create symlinks for idle, pip and pydoc to their 3 versions?
